Friday, October 23, 2015

Green Party candidates to watch on Election Day 2015 | #ows #p2 #the99% #VoteGreen

Green Party of the United States

This release is online at

Scott McLarty, Media Coordinator, 202-904-7614,
Starlene Rankin, Media Coordinator,

Green Party candidates to watch on Election Day 2015

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Green Party of the United States has identified ten candidates to watch in the 2015 general election on Tuesday, November 3.

The ten candidates are running in races for state legislatures, municipal councils, and school boards. One of the ten, Francisco Herrera, is the Green candidate for Mayor of San Francisco.

Among the candidates are a Black Lives Matter leader, two teachers, and several neighborhood and education activists. Some have received endorsements from union locals, civic organizations, and newspapers.

The ten candidates were chosen for promotion and assistance by the Green Party's Coordinated Campaign Committee. The list represents a sample; there are many more Green candidates who deserve attention. See the Green Party's election page for 2015 ( and featured candidates' page (

92 Green candidates are running for public office in the 2015 general election. The total number of Green candidates in races through 2015 is 116 ( Eight Greens were elected or reelected earlier in 2015. Currently, at least 100 hold public office across the U.S. (

The Green Party is also preparing for the 2016 election year, with candidates in national, state, and local races. The party will nominate a Green presidential ticket at its 2016 national convention, planned for August 4 through 7 in Houston, Texas.

Green Candidates to Watch

• Darlene Elias for City Council At Large, Holyoke, Massachusetts

A longtime resident of Holyoke, Ms. Elias is focused on representing Holyoke's large Latino community. When elected, she will be the only Latina/o to be an At-Large City Council member. A 20-year probation officer and vocal education activist, Ms. Elias has organized for local control of schools and for solutions to Holyoke's dropout rate, which is three times the state average.

• Francisco Herrera for Mayor, San Francisco, California (

An activist and father, Mr. Herrera's intends to “re-direct the runaway housing market which is devastating the very fabric” of San Francisco. Although local media have portrayed the mayoral contest as a one-horse race, Mr. Herrera has the backing of SEIU Local 1021, American Federation of Teachers Local 2121, The San Francisco Tenants’s Union, the San Francisco Green Party, and the Bernal 60,000 people.

• Rashad Turner for School Board, St. Paul, Minnesota

Black Lives Matter spokesman Rashad Turner exemplifies how the Green Party
fulfills the electoral role for grassroots movements. The Green Party in Minnesota's 4th Congressional District has endorsed him for school board, calling an outstanding candidate. In an article published by St. Paul Pioneer Press, Mr. Turner, a graduate student in education leadership, said “I plan on keeping students first and doing what’s right for St. Paul.”

• Frank Cetera for Common Council, 2nd District, Syracuse, New York (

Mr. Cetera's campaign is centered on the solutions, immediate and long term, to Syracuse's crises of poverty and crime, framing them through a values lens. He believes that the goal of city government should be to end poverty and guarantee a dignified life for all residents, with living-wage jobs, fully funded schools and services, and safe and healthy neighborhoods. His campaign has received media coverage from two of the local public radio stations, as well as published articles in local newspapers including the Syracuse New Times and CNY Latino. Mr. Cetera has a long track record of community work and recognition. (Video:

• Kristin Combs for City Council, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (

Ms. Combs is fiercely committed to ensuring that every child has access to a meaningful public education. A public school teacher, she has seen firsthand the struggles that face local schools and communities. She was teaching at Vaux High School in North Philadelphia when it was one of 23 closed in 2013 by the School Reform Commission. Ms. Combs is running for City Council to help ensure that public taxes are invested in public schools, not charter schools with minimal accountability.

• Plinio DeGoes for City Council, Cambridge, Massachusetts (

Mr. DeGoes' campaign is focused on the problem of gentrification. He is the only candidate calling for a moratorium on all new construction unless it is low income housing.  He is also calling for prioritizing locally owned businesses over franchises. Mr. DeGoes will work for protections against sexual assault in a community that is home to many colleges and universities, including Harvard and MIT.

• Marnie Glickman for Dixie School Board, San Rafael, California (

A long-time Green Party activist, Ms. Glickman is a mother of three and a civic leader committed to making a difference in the Dixie School District. For more than 20 years, she has worked in the field of organizational development, building coalitions to solve community problems. Ms. Glickman has garnered an impressive list of prominent endorsements, including the Marin Independent Journal, the Mayor of San Rafael, and several former school board members.

• Rob Korobkin for City Council, Portland, Maine (

Mr. Korobkin is an experienced software engineer, musician, and teacher with a lifelong dedication to social justice and community organizing. He is running to ensure that Portland grows in a way that is smart, safe, socially just, and sustainable.

• Molly O'Brien for State Representative 17th District, New Jersey General Assembly (

Ms. O'Brien has worked as a paralegal since graduating from Rutgers in 2014. She has seen a large number of nonviolent offenders, mistreated by the courts and law enforcement officers. Many offenders with serious addictions, behavioral health problems, or other disabilities are given jail time instead of the treatment they need. Ms. O'Brien has monitored police videos of motor-vehicle stops and interrogations and listened to police radio transmissions and transcriptions. This experience has led her to place improving community policing and ending racial profiling among her top issues.

• Jeff Staples for State Representative, 81st District, Virginia House of Delegates (

A strong Green Party supporter for many years, Mr. Staples has received endorsement from the Chesapeake Bay Group Sierra Club, Virginia Chapter of the Sierra Club, and Virginia Beach African American Political Action Council. He is a mechanic by day and environmental activist by night. As a candidate, Mr. Staples seeks to be a voice for working people and those who want a clean environment in which to live, work, and play. He is also fighting to drive corporate money out of Virginia politics.