Tuesday, October 27, 2015

"Corporate Greed Resisters! Together, the global movement is rising to say NO #TTP, #TTIP & #TISA!"

Two weeks to go until the DC mobilization. More reasons to protest the TPP and TTIP.
Corporate Greed Resisters!
TTIP negotiations were just held in Miami and more leaks confirm that the TPP and TTIP are a threat to our health and security. Friends of the Earth tells us that the US and EU are adding provisions written by chemical companies Bayer and Syngenta that will mean more pesticide use, including the same ones that are killing the bees.  No bees - no pollination - no crops. Our lives are connected to the bees. We must save them. And we will!

The agreements will also threaten our ability to meet the United Nation's Sustainability Goals. Read more about that here.
Together, the global movement is rising to say no to these dangerous agreements!

Every day, more people are signing on to the DC mobilization this November 14 to 18 to stop the TPP and TTIP. Groups are making their plans to participate. We've reserved a second church to provide sleeping space. This is going to be big!

On Tuesday, November 17, the international online community will work together in a Global Hackathon to build new tools that aid our fight. We're crowd-sourcing ideas! Read about some of them and submit your idea here. It may become a reality.

Maira Sutton from the Electronic Frontier Foundation, which is sponsoring the Hackathon, will be on the next weekly TPP Resistance call to explain it and why these agreements threaten our digital future. Maira will also be present in DC to teach us more about digital security.

Join the Wednesday night TPP Resistance call to learn more and help with the organizing. It is every Wednesday night at 9 pm ET/6 pm Pacific.
There are many ways to be involved. If you can't make it to DC, you can still participate by:
  • Signing and sharing the petition that we will deliver on Nov. 18. Click here for the petition.
  • Spreading the word about the action. Click here for outreach materials.
  • Organizing a local TPP action. Contact Mackenzie at mackenzie@popularresistance.org if you need help getting started. 
  • Plan to join the Global Hack-a-thon on Tuesday night, Nov. 17. Details to come.
And finally, this work and the mobilization require money. We need funds for materials (we are planning spectacular art!), space for the mobilization,food for the participants and more. CLICK HERE to donate if you are able. All who donate $25 or more can receive a "Stop the TPP" T shirt. Email Info@PopularResistance.org with your size after you make the donation.

It is up to us to stop the TPP and together we can do it! Get involved in whatever way you are able. And spread the word. We're going to Flush the TPP, oh yeah.
Unite for Global Justice,
FlushtheTPP Team