Taking it to the ballot box!
Dear friends,
I'm psyched to be the Green Party candidate for New York’s 24th Congressional district! I am campaigning for a Green New Deal of economic security and environmental sanity because real solutions can't wait any longer. The hottest year ever recorded just reminded us of the fast-approaching climate catastrophe. Unemployment is high and persistent. Giant banks and corporations call the shots in our government. Student loan debt just surpassed $1 trillion. Our generation is losing our future and the Democrats and Republicans are incapable of enacting the solutions we know are at hand. Please help our grassroots campaign by making a donation today at http://www.ursulaforcongress.com/! Whatever you can give, it will help our message reach voters in our large Upstate district.
Here's what we want:
1. A Green New Deal for Economic Recovery & Climate Stability: A World War II scale mobilization to put people to work developing renewable energy, mass transit, energy-efficient buildings, and streets safe for bikes and pedestrians. 100% Clean and Renewable Energy by 2025.
2. An Economic Bill of Rights,including the Right to a Job at a Living Wage, Medicare for All and Public Education, Tuition-Free, from Pre School to Grad School.
3. Peace Now! Defense not Global Empire. Deep Cuts in Military Spending. Troops Home Now from Afghanistan. End Drone Strikes. End the Drug War and Mass Incarceration.
4. Corporate Money Out of Politics: A Constitutional Amendment to Reverse Citizens United and Abolish Corporate Personhood.
5. Food Justice and Sustainable Farming: Ban GMO foods. No Cuts to Food Stamps.
Check our website to read more about the campaign! We'll be updating it frequently - and there is tons of great media coverage up all ready.
My opponents, Ann Marie Buerkle and Dan Maffei are candidates by and for the 1%, both funded by Goldman Sachs, Lockheed Martin, and other corporations seeking legislative favors. There are differences between them, but it’s a matter of degree and not direction. We need policies to create a system that works for everyone - not just the rich and powerful. With hundreds of small contributors and campaign volunteers, our message can beat the Democratic and Republican candidates corporate millions. We can do it! Join us!
You can donate online at http://www.ursulaforcongress.com/. Please consider making a monthly pledge through to the November 6 election. Checks can be made out to “Ursula Rozum for Congress” and mailed to 162 Cambridge St. Syracuse, NY 13210. As much as we need seed money, we also want you to be a part of our people-powered campaign - to volunteer fill out the online form at ursulaforcongress.com or call (315) 414-7720.
Together, we can change the way things are!
Yours for a Green Future,
Ursula Rozum