Sunday, September 27, 2015

#OpenTheDebates To #ThirdParty / #Independent #Candidates! | #fstv #greens #ows #p2 #the99%

Green Party:

Please Sign our Petition to Open Up the Presidential Debates and share this with everyone you know! The Commission on Presidential Debates says it will make a decision about new debate criteria in October 2015, so speaking out now is critical!

Now is the time for the 58% of American people who say we need parties outside the corporate two party system to stand up for open debates.

Polls show that 50% of Americans do not identify as either Democrat or Republican. This means that the Presidential debates as currently managed are locking out the diverse voices and views of half of all Americans.

The Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) may sound like an impartial, public body, but it is actually a private organization run by the Democratic and Republican parties.

When these two establishment parties took over the debates in 1987, the League of Women Voters withdrew its sponsorship, rightly observing that the “unprecedented control” demanded by the Democrats and Republicans would make the debates “campaign-trail charades” that would “perpetrate fraud on the American voter."

Voters have a right to hear directly from their possible choices for the highest office in the land. These choices should reflect the diversity of American political opinion, and not be restricted to two candidates nominated by establishment parties awash in corporate donations and billionaire support.

The need for more voices and more choices can be met by including all candidates who are on the ballot for a majority of voters, a number that has typically ranged from 4 to 6 candidates in total.

Sign the petition and show your support for opening up the debates! Thank you!

The Green Party of the United States, along with the Libertarian Party, is also a co-plaintiff in two lawsuits against the CPD, demanding that they open the debates. ‪#‎WeAreGreen‬ ‪#‎OpenTheDebates‬