Sunday, September 13, 2015

Back to the Future for #USPolicy in the #MiddleEast? | #FSTV #DemocracyNow #Thom #TheBigPicture #Greens #P2 #VoteGreen

Eight years of Bush, six years of Obama, and so little has changed.

Fourteen years after the 9/11 attacks, the United States continues to embrace a bipartisan strategy of sanctioning, containing and occupying the Middle East.

In the last month the Green Party has spoken out on the opportunity for a pivot in Iran, Syria, and throughout the Middle East.

“We’re seeing a maniacal push by Republicans and many Democrats towards a military confrontation with Iran based on a nuclear weapons threat that doesn’t exist,” party leaders said in a statement. “It’s a repeat of the kind of public deception and propaganda that the Bush-Cheney Administration used to justify an invasion of Iraq in 2003.”

Why are U.S. warhawks striving for regime change — a serious violation of international laws?

The Green Party continues to push for peaceful, diplomatic efforts to resolve conflicts in the Middle East. And it asserts that nonviolence and the right of all people to enjoy human rights, security, and self-determination must be the foundation for foreign policy.

The quest for political hegemony and control over oil resources in these regions have only aggravated tensions and led to blowback like the emergence of the Islamic State.

The blowback has also arisen in the form of an international refugee crisis that is flooding the shores of Europe and is reaching all the way to North America.

"When the U.S. invaded Afghanistan and Iraq in the last decade and ousted Qaddafi in Libya in 2011, the result was an era of regional instability and violence in countries between Pakistan and Nigeria. Greens warned that this would happen and opposed all of these actions."

Wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, southeast Turkey, Sudan, and northeast Nigeria have either been triggered or aggravated by U.S. invasions, interventions, and drone assaults. ISIS has found a foothold in areas destabilized by U.S. actions.

In the long term, we can avoid creating further crises by electing Greens to the U.S. House and Senate, where they can stand up to continued funding for drone bombings, interventions in search of illegal regime change, and crippling sanctions. The Green Party can change the future - but we need you to act now!

Follow us on Facebook, on Twitter and on Instagram and share our statements with your social networks. Build a culture where Greens are welcome - and expected - at the political table!

And make sure to vote for Green candidates in local, state, and federal elections!

The future is Green if you make it!
Green Party of the United States
Green Party of the United States - PO Box 75075, Washington, DC 20013, United States