Thursday, October 23, 2014

#YouNeedToKnow #Politics #Election2014: Green Party: It's time to revive the peace movement, oppose endless war

Green Party of the United States

This release is online at

Scott McLarty, Media Coordinator, 202-904-7614,
Starlene Rankin, Media Coordinator, 916-995-3805,

Green Party: It's time to revive the peace movement and oppose the bipartisan policy of endless war

• Green Party Speakers Bureau: Green leaders available to speak on foreign policy and peace

• Green candidates running in 2014:

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Green Party of the United States is calling for a new antiwar movement in response to the renewal of U.S. military involvement in Iraq.

Greens said that dropping bombs in Iraq and Syria is unlikely to bring peace and stability to the region. The open-ended campaign includes more than a thousand U.S. troops on the ground in Iraq.

Green Party candidates and leaders strongly condemn the violent extremism of Islamic State militias but asserted that there are ways to respond without military force (see "53 National Religious Groups, Academics, and Ministers Urge Alternatives to U.S. Military Action in Iraq," published August 27 by Win Without War,

• Christina Lugo, Green candidate for the U.S. Senate in Oregon ( "ISIS learned from al-Qaeda that the U.S. can be manipulated into going to war and inflicting death and mayhem on civilians. They witnessed how easily major U.S. media can be seduced into beating drums for more military action. The confusion over who the U.S.'s allies are, with attacks on the same militias in Iraq that President Obama recently wanted to arm in Syria against President Assad, has rendered foreign policy incoherent. The U.S. even aided and trained ISIS rebels in Syria. The U.S. bombing campaign is likely to function as a recruiting tool for violent religious movements like ISIS that are targeting northern Iraqi Yazidis and other helpless civilian populations."

• Paul Homeniuk, Candidate for Governor of Michigan ( "It's time to speak out against perpetual war. The Obama Administration's recent actions in Iraq, as well as airstrikes and drone warfare in Libya, Pakistan, and other nations tell us that endless war is now a bipartisan policy. We're raising a younger generation of Americans who have never known peace. Unfortunately, most of the antiwar movement of the last decade disbanded after Barack Obama's inauguration, under the delusion that they had helped elect an antiwar president. The demand for peace should have become even louder in 2009. Meanwhile, the Green Party has maintained its opposition to U.S. military aggression around the world and remains the nation's peace party."

• Matt Funiciello, Green candidate for the U.S. House in New York, 21st District ( "It's not possible to meet the country's human needs or solve the climate crisis while engaged in perpetual war. Wars require huge budgets and reallocation of resources. The winners in endless war are weapons manufacturers and dealers, crony military contractors like Halliburton, and a rapidly expanding homeland-security industry that's chiseling away our rights and freedoms. The Green Party calls for deep cuts to military funding and reinvestment in social programs and the fight against climate change."

• Joshua Drake, for Governor of Arkansas ( "When the Bush-Cheney Administration ordered the invasion of Iraq in March 2003 based on propaganda and cooked intelligence, the result was hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqi civilians, destroyed infrastructure, over 4,000 dead U.S. troops and thousands more suffering from physical and psychological injuries. Another effect was that the war opened Iraq's borders to al-Qaeda and, more recently, ISIS militias. Recent war history shows that such groups are seldom defeated by military incursions, that they often thrive in the chaos of war. It's all too likely that current U.S. actions are setting the stage for the next phase in the endless conflict that President Bush unleashed eleven years ago."

• Harry Hempy, Green candidate for Governor of Colorado ( "Western European nations colonized the Middle East after World War I. Ending the fossil fuel age, ending the demand for oil, is a necessary step toward ending western colonization in the Middle East and restoring peace in Iraq."

See also:

Greens to Obama: War is not the way
Green Party Watch, September 12, 2014

Green Party: No new U.S. military action in Iraq
Green Party press release, June 19, 2014

ISIS, Double Standards, and the Fight in Kobani
Ajamu Baraka, Public Intervenor for Human Rights in the Green Shadow Cabinet, October 10, 2014

A Good End Date for the New War Is Today
David Swanson, Secretary of Peace in the Green Shadow Cabinet, September 30, 2014

Veterans For Peace Statement Opposing U.S. Bombing of Iraq and Syria

The Fourth Estate in Flames: On the US Media's Award-Winning War Propaganda
By Medea Benjamin, Common Dreams, October 10, 2014