DC Statehood Green Party
"A Democrat is like this really nice aunt who promises to take you to Disneyworld, but then something always comes up and she never comes through with it. And a Republican is sort of like this really mean uncle who tells you that he can't afford Disneyworld, but then you find out that he went without you." -- Cory Kahaney, comedian, on "The Late Late Show," Nov. 27
"A Democrat is like this really nice aunt who promises to take you to Disneyworld, but then something always comes up and she never comes through with it. And a Republican is sort of like this really mean uncle who tells you that he can't afford Disneyworld, but then you find out that he went without you." -- Cory Kahaney, comedian, on "The Late Late Show," Nov. 27
(A Green would be like the relative you're not allowed to visit, because Mom & Dad tell you that one aunt and one uncle are enough.)
Scott McLarty, Green Party Media Coordinator