Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Announcing: Green Campaign Schools #totn

Green Campaign SchoolsThroughout the course of the campaign, our focus has been on expanding and deepening the Green movement and the Green Party itself. Moving forward, one of the most important things we can do is to get our candidates elected in local and state elections. For this reason, Jill Stein for President is organizing campaign schools in several regions of the United States.

These Green Campaign Schools will focus on building skills at all levels, from assembling a campaign team, to creating effective campaign literature, raising money, handling and using voter data, financial reporting, media campaigns, the role of the candidate, and setting and working toward goals. These schools will be one-to-two day events, hosted by our campaign team together with Green leaders in your area. The idea is to provide lessons from the experience accumulated in our campaign.

We are happy to announce that the first of this next wave of Green Campaign Schools will take place all day, Sunday, January 13th, in Northfield, Minnesota, an hour south of the Twin Cities.

Please click here to RSVP and get a little more information.