Saturday, October 27, 2012

#totn #Election2012 Green Party Enthusiastically Supports #Prop37: Label #GMOs! #environment #eco #organic Vote Green!

Green Party of California

Contact: Michael Feinstein, GPCA spokesperson, 310-392-8450,

Rachel Pachivas,

SACRAMENTO, CA - The Green Party of California gave a "Yes! Yes! Yes!" to Proposition 37; the "California Right to Know Act." If Passed, Prop 37 would make California the first State to require the labelling of genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

"If its true that we are what we eat, then there are few things more basic than our right to know what's in our food. The Green Party has always supported such labelling of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and we enthusiastically endorse Prop 37," said Michael Feinstein (, Santa Monica, a Green Party spokeserson.

"But as Greens we go beyond the right to know, to sharing deep concerns about the health and safety of genetically engineered food." added Rachel Pachivas (, Berkeley, a Green Party member and Northern California regional coordinator of the Yes on 37 campaign ( "The current use of genetically engineered foods without mandatory publicly transparent safety testing amounts to a massive science experiment on the health of California's families and children in the name of corporate profits. This is unacceptable."

"Consumers, farmers and California businesses are also deeply concerned about the environmental impacts of genetically engineered foods, including unintentional contamination of non-GMO and organic crops and loss of seed purity for our most important food crops and an overall increase in pesticide use, and the emergence of superweeds and superbugs that are now resistant to the chemicals used with GMO crops," added Feinstein, who as a Santa Monica City Councilmember promoted healthy foods as a measure of the city's sustainability.

Giant agribusinesses like Monsanto and the others of the "Big 6" pesticide makers (BASF, Bayer, Dow, Dupont, Monsanto and Syngenta) are putting tens of millions of dollars to defeat Prop 37. While a recent poll conducted by Oklahoma State University showed that 77% of voters would likely vote Yes on Prop. 37 if the Election were held today, Greens emphasize the importance of making sure this Proposition passes.

"The national significance of California passing Prop 37 can not be overstated," said Pachivas. "Nineteen states have tried to pass mandatory labeling legislation, but have failed due to threats of lawsuits, pressure tactics by the biotech lobby, and the revolving door between government and industry. A breakthrough in the nation's most populous state would change all that."

Read the Green Party of California's full Statement on Proposition 37:

See also the Green Party's press release on Props 30/31/38/39:

For More Information:





Register to Vote Green Online at the Secretary of State's website: