Saturday, July 12, 2014

#Ohio #GreenParty endorses #LabelTheTruth mandate on #geneticallymodifiedfood | #UniteGreen #VoteGreen2014

Bob Fitrakis, Co-Chair of Green Party of Ohio 

The Green Party of Ohio today endorsed the efforts of the "Label the Truth" organization in Ohio that is working towards obtaining the necessary signatures to place on the 2016 ballot an issue mandating the labeling of food products that have been genetically modified.  

While the Green Party of Ohio shares the belief with Green Parties worldwide that all GM food should be banned from production, we recognize that efforts such as "Label the Truth" are a valuable step towards our end goal.  

Although various special interest groups and scientists continue to debate the risks that GM foodstuffs present, it is clear that the vast majority of Ohioans are simply una ware that GM food composes the bulk of prepared foods available in our stores and supermarkets.

It is our position that providing the consumer with clear information as to the GM content of our foodstuffs would allow for an informed choice.  We believe that, given clear labeling, most Ohioans would choose products that lack the genetic modification that drives profits at Monsanto and other conglomerates that are involved in the technology.
The State of Vermont recently passed a law mandating such labeling and is now facing a potential lawsuit from the Grocers' Manufacturers' Association, a trade group that represents Monsanto, General Mills, Coca-Cola, and other giant food conglomerates.  This lawsuit is an example of how profits are given more weight than food safety in many instances.  

Contrary to industry claims that the production and use of GM foods is a safe and results in less pesticide usage, studies have shown the opposite can, and does happen.  We are on the verge of entering a vicious cycle, where our food products have been pre-engineered to have a tolerance to a given pesticide, until that pesticide is no longer effective.  The overuse of any particular pesticide will result in weeds and insects that can thrive despite its application.  A new, stronger, pesticide will then be invented along with the GM foods engineered to be grown in concert with its use.  The cycle then continues.  

We urge all Ohioans to work f or the day when GM foodstuffs are no longer a part of our food chain. Until that day arrives, the labeling of such GM food is a prudent measure which will protect our citizens from potential harm.  The questions are many, the answers few.  It is better to err on the side of caution when the issue is what we, and our families, ingest.