Friday, June 28, 2013

#totn Green Party praises Supreme Court's rulings on same-sex marriage


For Immediate Release: Thursday, June 27, 2013
This release is online at

Scott McLarty, Media Coordinator, 202-904-7614,
Starlene Rankin, Media Coordinator, 916-995-3805,

Green Party's 2013 Annual National Meeting in Iowa City, July 25-28: / Media Credentialing for the meeting:

Green Shadow Cabinet:

WASHINGTON, DC -- The Green Party of the United States praised the Supreme Court's decisions, announced on Wednesday, on same-sex marriage rights.

"With the Supreme Court's historic decisions today striking down the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act and ruling that the California Prop 8 petitioners did not have legal standing to appeal, we come far closer to nationwide marriage equality than many of us have ever expected to see," said Starlene Rankin, co-chair of the party's Lavender Green Caucus (

"Since our inception, the Green Party has supported the right of every couple to marry regardless of sexual orientation, and we commit to continue this fight until this is a reality in every state across the country," said Drew Langdon, candidate for Rochester City Council, co-chair of the Green Party of Monroe County, New York, and Lavender Green Caucus member. "We commit to continue the struggle because we understand that equality means more than marriage equality. The struggle continues, as we work to make full protections for our transgender siblings a reality. The struggle continues as we ensure that every LGBTQI person has enough food to eat, a roof over their heads, and the proper care for a healthy life. The struggle continues as we work to ensure the basic dignity and human rights that we all deserve."

Lavender Caucus members and other Greens agreed that the next legislative steps must include passage of a national Employee Nondiscrimination Act (ENDA) and abolishing barriers against LGBT immigrants and their families.

Greens said that the rulings uphold the principle that majorities cannot deny the rights of minorities -- a principle necessary for human rights, freedom, and democracy.

See the sections on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in the Green Party's national platform: and this 2005 White Paper (